Sunday, 12 May 2013

Mini Cosmetics Haul

Hello everyone! First of all, Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are all having a lovely day :)

Secondly, cosmetics haul! I bought a grand total of TWO make up items today. Massive amount, I know! I thought I would share anyway, even if it is just to avoid the looming pile of homework waiting for me. So let's get started!

Now, I'm not completely sure if nail polish falls under "cosmetics," but if I didn't put this in, my haul would only have ONE item, and that's hardly a haul, is it!

Essie "Tart Deco" nail polish! It's a lovely peachy colour, very summery. I have been looking for a pinky-orange such as this one for a while now, so I was very happy to stumble upon this colour, and for sale, to boot!

I really do love Essie nail polishes, though I mainly have OPI in my collection, just because of OPI's awesome colour selection. I have one other Essie, Turquoise and Caicos, and I love the consistency and durability. In my opinion, OPI and Essie are very similar in how well they stay on. I will make sure to post pictures and comments after I try out this one!

Secondly, I bought my very first liquid foundation, hooray! I've been using powder for basically my entire foundation-using years of life, and while I love powder foundation, I was in need of a good liquid foundation for those times when extra coverage is necessary.

So I bought this Almay Clear Complexion liquid makeup, which, I just realized now, is new! I tried a little from a sample bottle at the store, and I really loved how it felt and blended in.

Only complaint: no spf. But I'm sure I'll survive!

And that is my extremely small haul! Once I've begun using these two products, I'll post some sort of review. But for now, I hope you're all having lovely Mother's Days, and that the weather wherever you are is better than the weather here!

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  1. Hey there, I keep seeing people post about Essie nail varnish - all their colours look amazing!
    I really love your blog and it’d be great if we could follow each other. Let me know on my blog? Thanks, Sarah x

    1. There are tons of colours, I plan on getting many more! Thank you so much :)
      I will look at your blog, thanks!

  2. Hey Hannah, thank you so much for your comment! I also follow you on bloglovin now. :) Your blog is really nice. Where do you come from?

    Diana :)

  3. Hello Hannah. I really like your blog and it would mean a lot to me if you would take a minute and check, follow my blog if you like. Thank you so so much, have a nice day,
    xoxo Nika
